Analysis of the impact on the customer experience due to the integration of interactive technology in a retail space


The presence of technology in physical retail sites has a great tendency to incorporate smart and interactive elements; given this situation, the concept of smart retail arises to reinvent and, at the same time reinforcing, the role of stores in offering a better customer experience to consumers through the use of technology. This study explores the level of acceptance, interaction, and perception of users in technologically improved environments, the role of technology as a variable in the store's atmosphere, and the impact these implementations generate in terms of customer perception and the physical design of the space.

Nov 30, 2022
How to Cite
DÍAZ-ONTIVEROS, Valeria; SANTANA-MANCILLA, Pedro César; MEJÍA MEDINA, David Abdel. Analysis of the impact on the customer experience due to the integration of interactive technology in a retail space. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora, [S.l.], n. 1, p. 41-44, nov. 2022. ISSN 2594-2352. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 may 2024. doi:
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